
“[BA][SS] is a collaborative sound sculpture project by Boris Allenou and Shankar Saanthakumar. Together they explore how DIY mechanically driven drum and drone machines can be manipulated into soundscapes.

Shankar takes old piano hammers and reassembles them into a custom vertical frame actuated with motors. The vibrations trigger contact mics and the signals are processed in Max MSP. The sculpture can be activated by the motors and through drumming its surface by hand!

Boris’ instrument is a horizontal frame coupled with tiny electronic vibrating modules moving about the surface. This framework serves as a neutral surface, embedded with contact microphones that are amplified and filtered through Ableton Live. When in contact with the frame the vibrating modules emit a continuous drone. This is further enriched with evolving nuances triggered by pieces of wood, plastic, iron, and more acting as sound filters and modulators.

The sculptures were first perfomed together at Wavetable, Edinburgh 08/24.